How to Create a Digital clock using Python Programming language | Python Tkinter GUI | Code Hub

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In this post we will learn about How to How to Create a Digital clock using python programming language. In this program we using "tkinter " package.

Tkinter package:

    In this Tkinter package used to create a simple GUI (Graphical User Interface). With the help of tkinter framework user can create a simplest graphical user interface elements using the widgets found in the Tk toolkit

How to Create a Digital clock using Python Programming language | Python GUI | Code Hub

Digital Clock with Python programming language:

I'll demonstrate how to use Python to make a digital clock in this section. The Tkinter library in Python, a built-in package that comes with Python, can be used for this straightforward task. The cool features of Tkinter can be used to create easy-to-use applications.

Source code:

from tkinter import Label, Tk 

import time

app_window = Tk() 




text_font= ("Boulder", 68, 'bold')

background = "#707070"

foreground= "#68f76d"

border_width = 25

label = Label(app_window, font=text_font, bg=background, fg=foreground, bd=border_width) 

label.grid(row=0, column=1)

def digital_clock(): 

   time_live = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")


   label.after(200, digital_clock)



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How to Create a Digital clock using Python Programming language | Python GUI | Code Hub


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